File: src/logger.js
* Handles all logging, either to console or designated HTML
* container.
* Needs more work.
* @class sgvizler.logger
* @static
S.logger = (function () {
/*global $, console*/
// Module dependencies:
//var util = S.util,
* The timestamp for the load start of the current running
* version of sgvizler. Used to calculate time elapse of
* future events.
* @property start
* @type number
* @private
* @since 0.6.0
startTime =,
* @method timeElapsed
* @private
* @return {number} The number of seconds elapsed since
* this sgvizler got loaded.
* @since 0.6.0
elapsedTime = function () {
return ( - startTime) / 1000;
* @property waitingCharts
* @type number
* @private
* @beta
waitingCharts = 0;
return {
* Logs a message.
* @method log
* @protected
* @param {string} message The message to log.
* @beta
log: function (message) {
console.log(elapsedTime() + "s: " + message);
loadingChart: function () {
waitingCharts += 1;
if (!$('body,html').css('cursor', 'progress')) {
$('body,html').css('cursor', 'progress');
doneLoadingChart: function () {
waitingCharts -= 1;
if (waitingCharts === 0 && $('body,html').css('cursor', 'progress')) {
$('body,html').css('cursor', 'default');
// displayFeedback: function (query, messageName) {
// var message,
// container = query.logContainer();
// if (query.loglevel() === 0) {
// message = "";
// } else if (query.loglevel() === 1) {
// if (messageName === "LOADING") {
// message = "Loading...";
// } else if (messageName === "ERROR_ENDPOINT" || messageName === "ERROR_UNKNOWN") {
// message = "Error.";
// }
// } else {
// if (messageName === "LOADING") {
// message = "Sending query ...";
// } else if (messageName === "ERROR_ENDPOINT") {
// message = "Error querying endpoint. Possible errors:" +
// util.html.ul(
// util.html.a(query.endpoint(), "SPARQL endpoint") + " down? " +
// util.html.a(query.endpoint() + query.endpointQueryURL + query.encodedQuery(),
// "Check if query runs at the endpoint") + ".",
// "Malformed SPARQL query? " +
// util.html.a(query.validatorQueryURL() + query.encodedQuery(), "Check if it validates") + ".",
// "CORS supported and enabled? Read more about " +
// util.html.a(S.homepage + "/wiki/Compatibility", "CORS and compatibility") + ".",
// "Is your " + util.html.a(S.homepage + "/wiki/Compatibility", "browser support") + "ed?",
// "Hmm.. it might be a bug! Please file a report to " +
// util.html.a(S.homepage + "/issues/", "the issues") + "."
// );
// } else if (messageName === "ERROR_UNKNOWN") {
// message = "Unknown error.";
// } else if (messageName === "NO_RESULTS") {
// message = "Query returned no results.";
// } else if (messageName === "DRAWING") {
// message = "Received " + query.noRows + " rows. Drawing chart...<br/>" +
// util.html.a(query.endpoint + query.endpoint_query_url + query.encodedQuery,
// "View query results", "target='_blank'") + " (in new window).";
// }
// }
// if (message) {
// $('#' + container).append(util.html.tag("p", message));
// }
// }